Monday, September 6, 2010

It's the most wonderul time of the year...

Endless Autumn

Through bewildered meadow-grass

I follow my feet on unmarked paths,

Vibrantly colored alder trees

Eye me shamelessly

Impatient with the plainness of green

They've chased away our timid summer,

Now they flaunt their victory flags

Of orange, and gold, and umber

The grass, long past conspired with the woods

Stiffly insolent in the breeze,

Cream, and honey, and chocolate burdock

As boldly as you please!

A chill rain scolds them both

Speckling the high tide for good measure,

But I can see them shining aloft

Gay and laughing for pleasure

Soaking wet with the merry throng

I'll join the revolution of time,

Who wouldn't trade the faded Summer

For an endless Fall this fine?


  1. I was speaking fondly of our trip this summer to some friends and wanted to show them some of your knives. From your website, I came across your blog. I enjoyed your poem. I always thought fall passed to quickly in Southeast Alaska. Anyways, I felt a bit like a peeping tom – anonymously reading about your adventures, so I had to comment. Enjoy the fall, before winter sets in.

  2. Thanks! Yes there's nothing like that golden autumn sunshine pouring through the trees and over the wetlands...quintessential Alaska. we sure enjoyed all those little boys in carhartts in one place, looking forward to next year!
